Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Website as Graphs

OK, I don't know if this is just fun for geeks....but it's certainly pretty. Someone created this fun little applet that reads a website's source code and translates that codes into these little colored graphs. For example, red dots are tables, violet dots are images, yellow dots are forms, etc. The above graph is this site you're looking at now.

It's kind of fun putting in all kinds of sites and watching these little graphs "bloom" out. OK, it's entertaining for about 30 seconds. Remember watching those little sponge capsule animals that expand out when you drop them in water?'s about as fun as that.

Check it out:

Monday, May 29, 2006

Random Thoughts

I can't seem to find a good excuse to practice my photography. I'm really sick of taking photos of trees, flowers, indoor parties, and buildings. The photos I take even bore ME to death.

You would think that Hawaii would have lots of natural things to take pictures of. True, it does have a lot of natural wonders. But since it's like a HUGE tourist destination, every spot has had hundreds of people taking photos of the areas already. So every photo I take of a nice beach spot has had hundreds of photos taken of the exact same spot already.

So I'm thinking of taking my camera up with me on this HK and Macau trip. Finally some new things to take pictures of. However, it's possible it might rain while I'm there. Bummer.

While I'm running at the beach sometimes I see people I like to take photos of. No, not bikini clad babes. I wouldn't complain about that, but that's not "interesting" from the photography point of view. I want stuff with a statement. For instance I see this homeless person there sometimes with a giant cart and a huge umbrella sitting on the park bench. I would love to take a photo of him one day...kind of like those National Geographic shots of people. But what do I say? "Excuse me Mr. Bum. You look very hot there in your 5 layers of clothing sitting here at the beach. Will you let me take a photo of you while you pretend you don't see me?"

He'd probably come beat me up and toss my camera into the ocean.

I've been thinking of all the places I'd like to see in the world before I die. I mean, if I ever come up with a terminal disease or something, I'd like to experience all these events and places before I go. Is that morbid? I might as well list them out so I don't ever forget this list. I'll add to it as I remember them:
  • Smithsonian Museums: OK, I just want to spend one whole week to geek out at this museum of all museums. Somehow I've always had a fascnation with museums. Maybe because there really isn't any significant museum here in Hawaii. Maybe it's the fascination of pressing exhibit buttons?
  • Coachella: This is like one giant music and art festival that lasts for 2 or 3 days in the middle of nowhere. It's one giant lawn with multiple stages with bands and exhibits all going on at the same time. 2 people can go to this same event and yet have completely different experiences because there's SO much going on.
  • Great Wall of China: OK. It's just a big stinky wall. said it smells. But somehow I gotta stand on this thing and just say I've been there. Maybe pee next to it and say "I've pee'd on the great wall of China". Yeah, then I'd spend the next 20 years in a Chinese prison.
  • Miho Museum: Yeah, another museum. But this one is especially cool because the museum itself is like a giant architectural masterpiece designed my I.M. Pei. The same guy who made that glass pyramid in front of the Louvre in Paris.
  • San Diego Zoo: HUGE zoo. Supposed to be one of the best.
  • Louvre Museum: Now how can I be in art and never visit the Louvre?
  • Statue of David: OK...not just this statue. But I want to physically stand in front of at least ONE artpiece by each of these legendary artists. Michaelangelo. Da Vinci. Picasso. and of course....Raphael. I just want to stand in front of each one for 5 minutes and just chill.
  • Machu Picchu: Something about standing in a spot that's THOUSANDS of years old is awe inspiring. My cousin recently went there. I'm SO jealous.
  • AC/DC: OK. Not really a place but this is the one band I have yet to see in my lifetime of seeing concerts. The ONE band I've wanted to see but never got the chance. I can say one of the great moments was meeting the Red Hot Chili Peppers in person which was my favorite band at one time. But AC/DC is in another league. Too bad they're either too old or too drunk to play much anymore.
  • Sweden: OK, that's rather broad isn't it? I just want to see those lush green fields I've been seeing on TV all my life. I want to go run through the field and sing a song from Sound of Music. Wait...were they Danish?
  • Aurora Borealis: Trip out on watching the sky. Closest I can get to feeling like I just took cocaine or something.
  • Loch Ness Lake: I have a good feeling I'll spot that damn monster. Maybe nobody's tried luring it with a Sour Patch Kid candy I think....
  • Roman Colosseum: What's my fascination with old things?
  • Mardi Gras: OK, I know New Orleans is a little fucked up lately. But someday I'm sure they'll recover. I'd like be in the heart of this crazy festival and just pretend I'm as drunk as everyone else is while I'm stone sober.
  • Australian Zoo: OK. Call me a sucker but I want to go see the Croc Hunter. CROIKEY!
I'll add more as I think of it....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I'm still learning how to operate my business. Even this blog you're reading is a big experiment of mine. Yes it's personal. Yes it sometimes has material that may offend. But I figure, the more my friends and even my clients know about me...the deeper our professional OR personal relationship.

Yet I managed to upset one of my clients who didn't know I had mentioned his site here. Somehow these posts get indexed on Google more often then I thought. mistake. Perhaps not everyone wants their site mentioned, personal site or not.

What do you do when you make a professional mistake? You just apologize and correct it. That's all you can do. I've made mistakes and I'll probably make more in the coming years. It's interesting sometimes to think that professional service sometimes means the ability to apologize for your mistakes and taking action to correct it.

It hurts.... when you have good intentions and it turns out to work against you. But I just gotta get over it. Maybe from now on I'll just post my projects with no comments about them at all. This way I'm safe from saying something that might be a liability.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Butt sweat

OK. Say you go to the gym....

You find someone using the machine you want to use. So you decide to workout someplace else and return later. You watch the guy hoping he'd hurry up. There he is taking his sweet time doing his reps...

Finally he gets up and you run over to the machine to use it...what do you find on the seat?! I nice little trail of butt sweat because he didn't wipe down behind him. So what do you do?

Do you:
  1. Use your own towel to wipe off his anal juices
  2. Chase him down and tell him he's left himself a snail trail behind him.
  3. Just sit on it because every damn machine is probably riddled with germs anyway.
  4. Fan the machine down hoping that plain old evaporation will dry up the seat.
Gross isn't it? What can you do. If you're a germaphobe, the gym is certainly not a place for you. I just treat it like KNOW you're going to get dirty there anyway. Might as well just jump headfirst into the cesspool of germs and then come home to shower.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Logo Design

I haven't had a history of doing TOO many logo designs. But those I DID get the opportunity to do I've enjoyed a lot. I'm making good progress on the one I'm working on now. Hopefully in a couple weeks I'd have a finished product to show here.

It got me thinking lately about logos. In this day and age basically ANYBODY can whip up some kind of font and design for their company name using a basica Paintbrush program or Microsoft Word. Back in my dad's day he had to either purchase his fonts using those expensive rub-on sheets or he had to draw it all by hand. I remember sitting at his side praying that I would get a sheet of those letters I could use for fun...but they were so expensive he had to just give me left overs. So I'd end up with font sheets that only had letters I could never "Ks" and "Xs"

I visit some offtopic boards online for fun sometimes and I see "competitions" all the time for people offering $25 to anyone who can make them a logo for their company. Sure enough, they'll have kids cropping up all over the place designing these random logos for them. Sometimes they look pretty good I'll have to admit.

But then what makes a GOOD logo versus a BAD one? What separates the amatuers from the pros? I found a good explanation on the wikipedia. A good logo:
  • is unique, and not subject to confusion with other logos among customers
  • is functional and can be used in many different contexts while retaining its integrity (e.g., small or large, color or black/white,printed on paper or embossed on cloth)
  • abides by basic design principles of space, color, form, consistency and clarity
  • represents the brand/company appropriately.
I've seen it said that a Logo design is considered the pinnacle of a graphic designer's talent. It has to have a HUGE imprint with such a small device. It's such an honor to be asked to do someone's business logo....they're trusting me to do something that will be the embodiment of their business from the first day it's in business till the end.

Above's fun to do.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

All play

My brother and I bought mom a platinum bracelet for mother's day last week.

She liked it. It's a bit unusual a style for her but a few weeks prior she stopped me to tell me she had seen this while window shopping and she liked it. Hmmm...did she plot this out? heheh.

Another spastic image of me taking a picture of myself again in the mirror. My shirt from my "store" arrived today with my logo on it. It came out pretty good I'm happy. If you want one..just go to the LoweStudio Shop to purchase one. I really just did these shirts and stuff for fun. I'm not suddenly going into the tshirt business.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Picking up

Business definitely comes in waves...right now it seems to be cresting again I'm so busy I end up working on most days and weekends from the moment I wake up till the time I sleep at night. Sure, I take time for lunch and occasionally stop for a good episode of LOST or 24.

Let's current active projects include design for 1 logo, 1 business card, 1 site design, 1 email template design, and about 2 or 3 sites that are waiting for me to update. Next week I'm meeting with at least 2 potential new clients for site design. A nice brisk pace coming in....

Meanwhile I have to keep the rest of my life going... Florence and I are doing fine and are anticipating my trip to see her. But I get the sensation I probably lost a few "points" lately because I didn't see something eye-to-eye with her. Hey... it's better I fall for a woman to can occasionally tell me I'm full of shit sometimes then just blindly agree with everything I say right? Anyway, the weeks will fly by I have to consider doing some trip planning and packing soon.

Now lately everyone around me is talking investments. Both my brother and mother are all into it too along with my GF. This is good influence for me, but at the same time it's a bit overwhelming. Couple that with the fact I've been hoping for an opportunity to buy a home sometime soon, it's a lot to manage and I find myself constantly checking where my money is more then I should.

UUUGH. My head's going to explode.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Looks like Nintendo is going to be the big winner this time around in this generation of upcoming game consoles. I see people complaining about the bugs in the Xbox 360 all the time now, and the upcoming PS3 is going to be priced so high it might end up imploding its own market like it did for the PSP.

Since I like to talk design, Nintendo's controller system "Wii" looks to be the most innovative thing to come out of the any computer or console related device in a decade now. It sure looks cool and I'm eagerly ancipating it. You just have to admire the brains behind this one. My only question is...won't your hands get tired holding it like that?

Now how will I convince Florence she wants a Nintendo?

Monday, May 08, 2006

Vacation Days

I'll be going on a trip scheduled for June 13th - June 25th. I'll essentially be back working on the 26th but most likely I'll be a little bit jet lagged for a couple days.

OH, and I'll be taking a day off on May 15th for my birthday. Hey, my own business I'm entitled to giving myself a day off on my favorite day of the year can't I? Shit if the beaches aren't safe yet I don't know what I'd do on a Monday though...

Any projects I have for anyone right now I'll either jam on finishing up or I'll schedule accordingly with each client.

Check out my new fish above. My father gave me a whole bunch of them. Nice huh? Who knows what kind of fish they are but they're certainly relaxing to watch.

Added a new personal photo album -- Ethan's Birthday Party.

I'm futless again...

My GF and I had a little bit of friction lately. In a way, I don't blame her...she's been stressed out a lot with work, studying for a U.S. nursing exam, the possibility of moving somewhere entirely new, and a possible wedding.

Meanwhile, here I am in my usual oblivious self because I didn't understand something and I think that rubbed her the wrong way. I probably poked and prodded a bit too much and I pushed her to the edge. At this point I guess I just gotta give her some space.

I think this will be a challenge, my GF and I come from different cultures. While I grew up in a Chinese household, what I imagined to be a very cultural upbringing turns out that my parents gave us a very whitewashed version of it already.

Mom grew up in Hong Kong, but my grandparents set a standard to do everything as westernized as possible. So it makes sense that mom carried that standard down to her kids, so much so that she almost thinks some of those traditions back in the Hong Kong are "old fashioned" and maybe a little silly.

Anyway, it looks like I'll have to self-teach myself a lot of cultural I'll soon have to deal with a lot of this if we're to really wed. When I really consider it, the traditions of the East and West are almost polar opposites. We're essentially encouraged to break off from those before us, and find our own paths in life. That's almost the epitamy of what we would think freedom means to each of us -- We question authority. I think that's our's deeper then just Thanksgiving turkey and popping 4th of July fireworks those are just ceremonies.

In the East it's almost insulting to not respect the wishes and traditions of your elders. I remember as kids mom and dad would take me to eat with our relatives and there was a very strict code that we couldn't even sit at the dining table till the eldest family members sit down first. Hands off on the chopsticks till everyone older then me gets something first! OH that was torture!!! Nothing worse then sitting at a big table full of delicious peking duck and by the time it gets to you all you get is the last little crusty burnt piece.

The point is that those in the East define a lot of things by these traditions because it's practical in their viewpoint that the people before you are supposed to know better then you. So you don't question if these traditions make sense or not, you just do it.

Some of these old traditions might not make sense to me. But I'll just have to buck up and do it if I'm to make this work.

Yikes! Who knows....I've yet to make the official proposal to her, so she could still tell me "NO WAY JOSE!" when I ask. (There goes my cultural sensitivity right there).

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Uku Billion

Where did the term "uku billion" come from. First of all, it's a term very specific to Hawaii. Definitely something nobody else in the world says. Uku ("u" is pronounced like the "ou" in You) is basically hair lice. So what does this mean? Is somehow uku billion somehow saying you got a billion things + a few hair lice more?

Why bring this up Raph you say?

Because "uku billion" is the amount of freakin' forms I'd have to fill out in order to get Florence here to the U.S. It's amazing how many I'd have to do.

I have a folder here with at least 10 monstrous forms from various State and Federal immigration agencies. They call come with cryptic names like "g-325f" and "i-485supa". None of them follow any logical numerical order.

They all require a fee too. It's $175 just for me to fill out a petition to bring her here as my fiance to get married. If there's one thing I don't understand about government offices is why it takes $175 to accept a form? Are they renting a limousine to take it to the main office? Do they have to bribe the data entry person with tea and crumpets?

There's some kind of crazy fee along the way just to get her fingerprinted for example. Unless the ink were guilded with gold plating I can't see why it would cost that much.

It doesn't make any sense. If it's this costly for government labor to file each form...WHY ALL THE FREAKIN' FORMS?!! Alright, I understand if they want to see if people are dedicated and serious about immigration and marriage. But working through all this paperwork is beyond torture.... perhaps if they wanted to test us for dedication it would have been more merciful to make us run an obstacle course.